Category Archives: consumerism

new toy.

Ah, and another reason to wake up before 11 tomorrow: I received my Luster Leaf 1875 Rapitest Suncalc Sunlight Calculator. This is part of my plan to plant things that have a chance of producing something. It collects data for 12 hours, so I must get it outside early to get a good reading for the day.

When the leaves are back on the trees, it will be significantly more shady in most areas—the bane of gardening in my neighborhood. However, I need to get a better idea of sun exposure before then. I feel kind of silly buying a gadget to tell me how much sun a spot gets, but that’s one of those things that seems so subjective and squishy to me. Every time I’ve tried to plant here, I thought I got a good idea of the light, but I really am crap at estimating time. And light, too, apparently.